The Abortion Pill | Medical Abortion
We provide options consultations, free pregnancy services, and information on abortion methods in Middlebury, VT and Ticonderoga, NY.
First trimester medical abortion information
We provide evidence-based medical information on the abortion pill and first-trimester pregnancy options to help you make a fully informed decision.
The abortion pill is not an option for women with certain health conditions, for women in their second or third trimester, or if the pregnancy is not viable. Come see us to confirm your pregnancy and verify how far along you are.
How we can help
Make an appointment for a free pregnancy confirmation and options consultation. We can determine how far along you are, inform you about the options available to you, and answer any questions you may have about pregnancy, abortion, and the abortion pill.
confidential and free of charge
FAQs on the Abortion Pill
What is the abortion pill?
The abortion pill is actually two drugs and it’s taken in two separate doses (one after consulting a doctor and one at home.)
How does it work? When is it taken?
It is usually taken between 4-6 weeks, but it is FDA-approved up to 10 weeks after a woman's last menstrual period. The abortion pill is not an option for people with certain medical conditions or if the pregnancy occurs outside of the uterus.
Can I order the abortion pill online?
While you can order abortion pills by mail, it is a risk to your health and safety. Make an appointment today to confirm your pregnancy and how far along you are. This information can help you plan your next steps.
FDA Warning on Abortion Pills By Mail: Do Not Buy Mifeprex Over the Internet
You should not buy Mifeprex over the Internet because you will bypass important safeguards designed to protect your health. Mifeprex has special safety restrictions on how it is distributed to the public. Also, drugs purchased from foreign Internet sources are not the FDA-approved versions of the drugs, and they are not subject to FDA-regulated manufacturing controls or FDA inspection of manufacturing facilities.
What if I change my mind?
Reversal is possible if action is taken after the first dose. If you have recently taken the first pill and decided not to take the second, please contact Abortion Pill Reversal.
DISCLAIMER: We provide education on abortion and pregnancy options. We do not refer for or perform abortions or financially benefit from any decision you make.